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Connector PCB Edge: create Mini PCIe sockets

Joel Guittet requested to merge github/fork/myfreescalewebpage/mini-pcie into master

Creation of Mini-PCIe cards and sockets according to Mini-PCIe specifications (


half_card full_card half_socket full_socket dual_socket

Half card and full card have an Edge.Cuts layer added by hand. No KLC found about this subject if this was permitted or not. In this case it is very useful to get the correct size of the card. This can also be useful for other Arduino board etc if a KLC can status on this king of footprints with a specific cutting size of the PCB.

The sockets are centered on the socket itself and not on the footprint, which include also card space. Please let me known about the policy in this case and I will fix it if required.

Also, I have no 3D models for all these footprints.

Merge request reports