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Use 20221018 s-expr versioning

This only changes the output file filter. No changes are required to the underlying data structures (which is the point of this layer, so that's nice).

Header Changes:

  • module -> footprint
  • add s-expr version
  • remove timestamp

3D models:

  • "at" -> "offset". All uses of it seem to be [0,0,0] so I don't think it matters that there might be a units issue here (at was in inches, IIRC)


  • Lines, circles, arcs and polygons: use "stroke" nodes, with a hardcoded "solid" type. Other types can be added when the Line type supports it.
  • Arcs: use start/mid/end points, not centre, start, angle
  • Polygons: add a default solid fill node.

The 'virtual' footprint type is changed to 'exclude_from_pos_file' and 'exclude_from_bom' at the call sites.

Generally, newlines are placed where Kicad 7 puts them.

Kicad does some unneeded quoting. This isn't a new thing in this s-sexp version, so it's not changed here.

Edited by John Beard

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