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`PadArray`: Fix `deleted_pins` feature

While using the deleted_pins feature I realized that it was not implemented. After fixing it I realized that this primitive does not cover my use-case, therefore I can't provide any exemplary footprints - just the two samples below.

If you know a way how I get the images into the generated documentation I can adjust it accordingly.


PadArray(start=(0, 0), pincount=4, x_spacing=2.54, center=[0,0], initial=1, increment=1, type=Pad.TYPE_THT,
         shape=Pad.SHAPE_CIRCLE, drill=1.12, size=[2,2], layers=Pad.LAYERS_THT, deleted_pins=[(2.54, 0), (3 * 2.54, 0)])


PadArray(start=(0, 0), pincount=4, x_spacing=2.54, center=[0,0], initial=8, increment=-1, type=Pad.TYPE_THT,
         shape=Pad.SHAPE_CIRCLE, drill=1.12, size=[2,2], layers=Pad.LAYERS_THT, hidden_pins=[7])


Edited by Werni

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