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Eeschema: Implement orthogonal dragging

Mike Williams requested to merge mikebwilliams/kicad:drag_improve into master

This is still rough and has a lot of bugs.

Here's a demo video: 2021-09-04_09-08-08.mkv

Definitely broken:

  • Buses / bus entries
  • Labels aren't dragged with segments unless attached to an endpoint
  • Dragging test points and junctions won't add a segment
  • Non-orthogonal lines explode when dragged by one end
  • Junctions don't properly grab other selected items in some cases
  • Duplicating lines is broken
  • Selection needs to be sorted based on direction of move (do we have a function for this?)
  • Selection is broken after a drag is ESC keyed out of.

Other changes, that might be 6.0 fixes:

  • If you select just one end of a wire, I changed the highlighting of the unselected end to make it obvious its not selected. Commit 0a91687c
  • Selected wire ends now works in multi-select mode. Commit 169ea852

I'm using this schematic as a test right now: d.kicad_sch

Edited by Mike Williams

Merge request reports
