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Adds the missing plot formats to `kicad-cli sch export`

This patch adds all the missing features discussed in #13958 (closed) to the kicad-cli sch export command.

  • PS, DXF and HPGL formats are now supported (in addition to PDF and SVG)
  • A new option to plot only the current page was added
  • The pen size and origin/units HPGL options were implemented

Note that this patch removes the redundancy in PDF and SVG previous implementations.

It defines a generic plot class which implements the 5 formats.

It also avoid copying the same values over and over, the options are stored in a SCH_PLOT_SETTINGS which is then passed to SCH_PLOTTER::plot.

Additionaly adds a more generic catch when parsing the command line, needed to catch scan errors. The locale is switched to C during the parse, needed to avoid applying the locale decimal point.

This is the same as !1528 (closed) but with master as target as this is considered an addition and can't be applied to 7.0

Edited by Salvador E. Tropea

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