Suggestion: ERC report for pin not driven should prioritize real power input pins over power symbols (lp:#1821436)
Original report created by Rene Poeschl (poeschlr)
Right now it kind of depends on the exact placement and number of pins
which pin ERC points to on error.
I think having a priority for which symbols to prioritize in the error
message might add a lot. Especially for the pins not driven error message
as pointing to power symbols is kind of useless if there are other non
driven pins on the same net. (If i for example have a voltage regulator on
that net then i would expect the power input pins of that regulator to be
the source of the error not the GND symbol connected to it.)
See screenshot for two slightly different schematics with vastly different
error messages. On the second one i added an invisible pin with number 4 to
the L7805 symbol which meant that now the GND symbol was pointed to as the
source of error. (That pin is not even connected to the same net as the gnd
Original tags: eeschema erc