Setting teardrops after filling saves file differently. prefer_zone_connections attribute keeps changing.
If "Prefer zone connection" setting is on, prefer_zone_connections
is dissapers from the file after setting teardrops and saving.
Filling and clearing zone fills brings the
attribute back after saving the file!
Here is a demonstration:
If "Prefer zone connection" setting is off, prefer_zone_connections
shows up in the file after setting teardrops and saving. This seems opposite to what should be happening, but I am not sure.
Steps to reproduce
- Add zones, fill (B), clear (ctrl+B),
- Save the file
- Make sure "Prefer zone connection" properties are On for the teardrops, and Edit / Edit teardrop / OK
- Save the file with new name
- Compare the files and notice multiple
is missing in the file
KiCad Version
Application: KiCad PCB Editor x64 on x64
Version: 7.99.0-3969-gc5ac2337e4, release build
wxWidgets 3.2.4
FreeType 2.12.1
HarfBuzz 8.2.1
FontConfig 2.14.2
Platform: Windows 11 (build 22631), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW
wxWidgets: 3.2.4 (wchar_t,wx containers)
Boost: 1.83.0
OCC: 7.7.1
Curl: 8.4.0-DEV
ngspice: 41
Compiler: Visual C++ 1936 without C++ ABI
Build settings: