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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • typeuntriaged
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder
  • typebug
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder
    Request to stop doing something incorrect.
  • typefeature
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder
    A request to do something that wasn't done before.
  • typequestion
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder
    Support, curiosity or any other reason.
  • typeimprovement
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder
    Make something that we already do work better.
  • typemissed-detection
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder
    This is for cases where gridfinder didn't break, but didn't return the desired answer.
  • Other labels

  • Algorithm
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder
    Affects the Gridfinder Algorithm
  • Export
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder
    Work related to exporting the resulting grid into systems such as Virtual Tabletops
  • UX
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder
    Issues related to User Experience
  • Website
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder
    Affects the frontend code for
  • depfu
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder
  • performance
    Kevin Cox / gridfinder