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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

    Kelp Digital
    REALLY CRITICAL BUG -- don't care, fix it!
  • P::1
    Kelp Digital
    Priority level 1, core devs will pick this up as soon as they can.
  • bug::confirmed
    Kelp Digital
    Confirmed bug
  • bug::unconfirmed
    Kelp Digital
    Any potential bug
  • When you are done with the Propose and Define add this label so others can check it out
  • status::Propose&Define
    Kelp Digital
    A status when people move a short task from Open. This is the place where we define the context of the task. Steps to be taken to accomplish it. This step CANNOT be skipped!!!
  • status::doing
    Kelp Digital
    Tasks that actively worked on.
  • status::todo
    Kelp Digital
    A prioritized list of tasks. The rule is to take the tasks from the top.
  • type::bug
    Kelp Digital
    It's a Bug 🪲🐜🐛
  • type::epic
    Kelp Digital
    This is our way of handling EPICS. 1. Explain the Epic in details, add the assets and resources. 2. Split the epic in smaller tasks where they have this Epic as blocking 3. when you start on the epic create the MR from main. 4. Each task must create the MR from the epic branch, NOT MAIN BRANCH.