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Link license files into the individual crate directories

Michel Lind requested to merge michel-slm/koibumi-rust:add-licenses into master

Apart from unifont_jp the individual crate directories are for crates that are either GPL or AGPL licensed, but don't have any license files.

Link in the appropriate license files from the root directory, so that cargo package would create crates with the correct license included; this is enforced when shipping the crates in Linux distributions e.g. Fedora.


michel in koibumi-rust/base32 on  add-licenses is 📦 v0.0.2 via 🦀 v1.73.0
⬢ [fedora-toolbox:38] ❯ cargo package --allow-dirty --no-verify
   Packaging koibumi-base32 v0.0.2 (/home/michel/src/gitlab/kashiko/koibumi-rust/base32)
    Packaged 6 files, 41.7KiB (14.5KiB compressed)

michel in koibumi-rust/base32 on  add-licenses is 📦 v0.0.2 via 🦀 v1.73.0
⬢ [fedora-toolbox:38] ❯ tar tf ../target/package/koibumi-base32-0.0.2.crate | grep LICENSE

Signed-off-by: Michel Lind

Merge request reports