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Turn on ADT_ENABLE (Comment: #1)

Sébastien Delafond requested to merge sdelafond/britney2:use-debci into master

This will:

  1. place outgoing requests to debci in data/output/debci_requests.input
  2. expect to find debci results in data/state/debci.json

For the first point, our debci instance will need to

For the second point, it looks like that data should be coming from; the ideal solution seems to modify /srv/ so it retrieves that file before starting britney, although cron'ing that fetch could also be considered an option.

Without implementing any of those 2 points, it should however be safe to deploy this commit right away: outgoing test requests will accumulate in the input file without ever being honored by debci, and the lack of a debci.json result file will just generate a log message (see britney2/britney2/policies/

Merge request reports