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Fix timeout option by changing it to '-w'

Marius Renner requested to merge (removed):kali/master into kali/master

Patch changes

The usage hint listed both the option for the target host and the option for the query timeout as '-t'. Of course there is no way to make that work reliably.

As there was no way to properly specify the timeout before, it is safe to assume that absolutely nobody could rely on the old option '-t' for the timeout. Therefore the timeout option was changed to '-w' and added to the option parser. Old commandlines will still work because '-t' always was and still is used for the target host.


I was not able to find public documentation on how to submit patches to kali packages. seems to be concerned with creating new packages, not submitting patches to existing ones. It does mention the gbp tool however, and using the manual at I was able to create this basic merge request.

I have no idea how the process continues from here, e.g. if I am supposed to generate the changelog entry using the gbp tool or if that is something you as maintainers will do. If there is documentation out there that discusses this please direct me to it.

Merge request reports
