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Updated couple of applications on the NetHunter Store

PaulSec requested to merge PaulSec/nethunter-storedata:master into master

Apps which have been updated are as follow:

13e03e7 Updating app to 16.1.4-RC-1-tor-
d71c293 Updating org.openobservatory.ooniprobe app to 2.3.2
caf5edc Updatin net.wigle.wigleandroid app to 2.51
3be2c61 Updating de.srlabs.snoopsnitch app to 2.0.10
917cd9f Updating de.blinkt.openvpn app to 0.7.15
3ce6f02 Updating com.tortel.syslog app to 2.3.0
085b434 Updating com.termux app to 0.94
96674b9 Updating com.termux.api app to 0.42

Apps are already on the server.

Merge request reports