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  • Owen Leonard's avatar
    Bug 24019: Patron batch modification based on borrowernumber · 108857e1
    Owen Leonard authored and joubu's avatar joubu committed
    This patch adds batch patron modifications based on borrowernumber. The
    user can choose to upload a file of borrowernumbers or submit a list of
    borrowernumbers in a textarea, just like they can with card numbers.
    To test, apply the patch and prepare files containing borrowernumbers
    and card numbers. Patron lists should be enabled, and you should have at
    least one patron list with patrons on it.
    - Go to Tools -> Batch patron modification.
    - You should see three tabs: "By card number," "By borrowernumber," and
      "By patron list."
    - Test each option for batch patron modifications:
      - By card number file
      - By card number list
      - By borrowernumber file
      - By borrowernumber list
      - By patron list
    - In each case the correct batch should be submitted, and modifications
      should finish correctly..
    - There should be an "order of operations" for card numbers and
      - If a file is uploaded AND a list of numbers is entered, the list of
        numbers should be used.
    - Batches should only get submitted from the active tab.
      - If you upload a file or enter card numbers in one tab and then
        switch to another tab and submit numbers from there, the original
        tab's batches should be ignored.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarkelly mcelligott <>
    Signed-off-by: Tomas Cohen Arazi's avatarTomas Cohen Arazi <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJonathan Druart <>