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BREAKING: fix VEvent ical spec errors

John Carroll requested to merge vevent-ical-update into master
  • fixed VEvent to allow multiple rrules / exrules as per the ical spec.
    • This also included appropriate changes in ical-tools serializeToICal() and parseICal() functions.
  • updated Dates to not change the timezone associated with Dates#adapters. This means that a date in Dates#adapters may not have the same timezone as Dates#timezone (dates yielded by Dates are still updated to have the same timezone as Dates#timezone, however). This distinction can be important when serializing a Dates object as it ensures the original timezones associated with the underlying dates are preserved.
  • added ability to set Rule#options via Rule#set().
  • added ability to pass whole Rule and Dates objects to the VEvent constructor.
  • added VEvent#set(), VEvent#add(), and VEvent#remove().

Merge request reports