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  • 0.2.0
    97c20b1f · Release 0.2.0 ·
    0.2.0 Release of alda-mode
    * 0.2.0
    - WARNING: ~alda-stop~ has been renamed to ~alda down~ for consistency with the ~alda~ command line.
    - Fix windows support
    - Add support for alda history
      - ~alda-history-clear~
      - ~alda-history-append-region~
      - ~alda-history-append-buffer~
      - ~alda-history-append-block~
      - ~alda-history-append-line~
    - New ~evil~ operator: ~alda-evil-history-append-region~
    - Add support for stopping playback via ~alda-stop~
    - Add dedicated CI and unit tests!
  • 0.1.0
    Initial Frozen Release
    Includes all features needed for a self-respecting language major mode,
    such as syntax highlighting and indentation.
    Also includes (a unique) feature to play section or files of alda code
    right from Emacs.
    Tested with alda 1.0.0-rc56