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  • Oren Kanner's avatar
    Add multitenancy · a07368ea
    Oren Kanner authored
    Resolves #641
    - Add apartment gem
    - Refactor seed script to work with multiple tenants
    - Update College model to include subdomain
    - Add custom middleware to handle invalid subdomains
    - Modify the rack_canonical_host behavior to ignore the first subdomain
    - Add an unauthenticated CollegesController#index action that only
      appears if a) the user is not signed in and b) there is no current
    - Disable JS tests because they break things :-(
    - Add CollegeCreator to handle the creation of new tenants while also
    granting a superuser access to said tenants
    - Overhaul mailer views and add MailHelper to properly send e-mails to
    different tenants
    - Clean up bin/setup a bit