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Project ID: 19120295
Select Git revision
  • master default protected
  • fix-vulnerabilities
  • set-sast-config-1
  • 22-message-people-who-may-not-have-set-the-notification-settings
  • revert-update-messages
5 results
  • Clone with SSH
  • Clone with HTTPS
  • James Lopez's avatar
    James Lopez authored
    Fix spec for follow up poster
    See merge request !49


    PagerSlack is a bot server for Slack that handles an oncall rotation based on the online presence of a globally distributed team.

    How does it work?

    Invite the bot to your channel and leave a message there with /devoncall http://incident.url to trigger an incident. The bot will ping an online engineer within the channel in a fair way (less pinged first).

    The engineer can then react with a 👀 to ACK. If nobody ACKs after X minutes, the bot will try to find the next online engineer and so on.

    Other engineers available can react too - in all cases, the person who reacts will end at the bottom of the queue for newer incidents.

    The bot will ping the EMs as the last resort if nobody responds to the pings.

    Other helpful commands

    Send a private message to the bot with:

    top will give you the top 25 members that are next in the queue, and therefore may get pinged in the next incidents relatively soon.

    position will tell you your position in the queue. A higher number means less probabilities for you to get pinged when an incident is triggered.


    While we use Redis for caching and storage, logs (in JSON) could be parsed to know about metrics like:

    • Average time to response
    • Incidents per period
    • TZs more affected

    Run bundle exec cap production stats:download to generate and download from the server a CSV with the stats that can be imported into Sisense


    PagerSlack requires Redis and Ruby to run.

    Assign your app's tokens and global variables:


    The following variables are used for a GCP deployment via CI:


    Install the gems with bundler and run the app with rackup

    $ cd pagerslack
    $ bundle
    $ rackup


    The main configuratio sits on lib/config.rb

    • In order to update the oncall.csv there's a script (bin/csv_refresh) that handles a CSV (exported from the Google spreadsheet) with the list of engineers and creates a new oncall.csv
    • For adding bank holidays, there's a manual holidays.yml file that can be edited
    • For excluding certain team members, there's a manual exclusions.yml file that can be edited
    • These get uploaded to the server during deploy using Capistrano, as they are not checked in to Git

