Lorhammer for lorawan server
- [I am trying to write a provisioner for lorawan-server. In our case, lorawan-server uses UDP for communication. I have written a provisioner and its scenario. I am getting errors that it "Can't write udp in sendPushPackets and write connection refused" when my scenario mentions 2 Gateways and 5 Nodes per gateway. It is accompanied by "Data Race". When my scenario mentions 1 Gateway and 1 Node per gateway, I am getting a warning, "Receive data after 2 seconds" from the lora/Gateway:Start(). In both the cases, no data frames is received/displayed on the lorawan-server web admingetting a warning, "Receive data after 2 seconds" from the lora/Gateway:Start(). In both the cases, no data frames is received/displayed on the lorawan-server web admin. I have attached the screenshot of the both the scenarios' tcpdump file of the port 1680, the orchestrator output, the lorhammer output. Kindly guide me to tackle these issues. ] an issue is linked
changelog -
test are done -
doc With_1_Gateway_and_1_nodes_tcpdumWith_1_Gateway_and_1_nodes_orchestrator