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Added support for sending multiple tags in query parameters.

Bogdan Tabor requested to merge patch/ADAPT-1888 into master

Added support for sending multiple tags in query parameters.
Type of input param tag changes from string to array.
33 requests have been changed.


WF: netbox-1.json

Task input:


-1-connectorRest-performRequest:REQUEST: {}' ]
automation-platform    | 2022-09-13T10:57:44.737Z - info: audit_id=31d979e7-3cf7-43e9-bd06-375254211c90, origin=/opt/itential/automation-platform/node_modules/@itentialopensource/adapter-netbox_v210/node_modules/@itentialopensource/adapter-utils/lib/connectorRest.js:2643, message=[
automation-platform    |   'netbox-1-connectorRest-handleEndResponse: Request call to GET /api/ipam/vlans/?tag=abc&tag=zyx: Call took: 0'
automation-platform    | ]

Tags are sent as: tag=abc&tag=zyx in the request.

Merge request reports