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Updated to the latest definition and Migration

Michael Evenchick requested to merge patch/ADAPT-1870 into master

Updated to the latest definition and Migration -

  • Add some items to .gitignore (e.g. DS_Store) to keep them out of the repos.
  • Changes to the README (some typo fixes - Add how to extend the adapter). Split the README into various markdown files (AUTH, BROKER, CALLS, ENHANCE, PROPERTIES, SUMMARY, SYSTEMINFO, TROUBLESHOOT)
  • Fix the issues with Confluence in the markdowns (Tables, Lists, Links)
  • Add scripts for easier authentication, removing hooks, etc
  • Script changes (install script as well as database changes in other scripts)
  • Double # of path vars on generic call
  • Update versions of foundation (e.g. adapter-utils)
  • Update npm publish so it supports https
  • Update dependencies
  • Add preinstall for minimist
  • Fix new lint issues that came from eslint dependency change
  • Add more thorough Unit tests for standard files (Package, Pronghorn, Properties (Schema and Sample)
  • Add the adapter type in the package.json
  • Add AdapterInfo.js script
  • Add json-query dependency
  • Add the propertiesDecorators.json for product encryption
  • Change the name of internal IAP/Adapter methods to avoid collisions and make more obvious in Workflow - iapRunAdapterBasicGet, iapRunAdapterConnectivity, iapRunAdapterHealthcheck, iapTroubleshootAdapter, iapGetAdapterQueue, iapUnsuspendAdapter, iapSuspendAdapter, iapFindAdapterPath, iapUpdateAdapterConfiguration, iapGetAdapterWorkflowFunctions
  • Add the adapter config in the database support - iapMoveAdapterEntitiesToDB
  • Add standard broker calls - hasEntities, getDevice, getDevicesFiltered, isAlive, getConfig and iapGetDeviceCount
  • Add genericAdapterRequest that does not use the base_path and version so that the path can be unique - genericAdapterRequestNoBasePath
  • Add AdapterInfo.json
  • Add systemName for documentation
Edited by Michael Evenchick

Merge request reports