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Update github actions

Yukai Chou requested to merge muzimuzhi/arara:fix-github-actions into development


I understand the development of arara happens in GitLab, but since two GitHub Actions workflows are both turned on, it seems to me that fixing build on github still makes a bit of sense. At least it saves me from receiving "Run fails" emails when I push to my GitHub fork. Currently this step of workflow gradle.yml

    - uses: eskatos/gradle-command-action@v1
        gradle-version: current
        arguments: build

fails with two java.lang.AbstractMethodErrors on windows-latest, see run 3573479482 in arara's github mirror repo.


  • Update actions
  • Fix build
    All the changes above don't fix the build. Then I tried replacing current two build steps with a use: gradle/gradle-build-action@v2 step without running any command and a (new) step runs ./gradlew --no-daemon :cli:shadowJar, copied from flake.nix. It finally passed, see run 3608411379 in my github fork.
Edited by Yukai Chou

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