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Draft: feat(api,webapp): show viewer protocol when connected

Josep Maria Viñolas Auquer requested to merge feat-show-viewer-protocol into main
  • Needs setting the monitoring domain or domain to reach monitor host
  • Last viewer is not cleared in datatables (no data is sent...). There is desktop_viewer_clear event but needs work.
  • Extrange behaviour detecting viewers when more than one is connected at the same time. Could it be a bad processing this multiple simultaneous viewers in isard-stats-go?
  • Thread is not disabled on fail
  • Events are not sent to users right now, only managers and admins. Expected behaviour.
  • Needs to check if there is data or not with one of this methods or maybe just checking if there are started desktops in prometheus data.
  • RDP GW keeps forever as a conected viewer once first connected. You close the remmina and it keeps connected.

Depends on !1966 (merged)

Edited by Josep Maria Viñolas Auquer

Merge request reports