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#152 Allow adding only unique type of measurements per image

Jaak Kütt requested to merge feature/152-unique-measurement-by-type into main
  • #152 (closed)

    • Disable the "Add new Measurement" button when not enough types for the current image
    • Next available type is selected upon creating a new measurement
    • Changed the warning popup to indicate that more types are needed (currently, the user can reach here only by deleting a measurement and trying to add a new one - once we've moved away from using is_deleted, the user should not get reach this warning)
  • #125 (closed) Simplified switching between edit/view modes. Changed the ApplicationState class implementation, initially had the goal of also moving "the active image" onto that object and using it in the current implementation of the AddMeasurement button but decided against that since the change would have been too broad for the current issue.

Edited by Jaak Kütt

Merge request reports