Given a selection, it breaks it into non-overlapping parts.
2. Union/Delete while swiping:
This will have the same effect as selecting the selection tool and swiping while holding the alt key, but unions/deletes the selection at the end.
3. Flatten:
This is a new operation, suggested by Matías Benzo (@matthyuz) in a comment on a youtube video. It basically removes the hidden parts of the shapes. You can see it in action in a video below.
The Fracture operation can be parameterized. Current parameters are:
(boolean) Is destructive
(boolean) Fill the holes between shapes
(boolean) Add the result to the selection
(boolean) Put the result above/below the original shapes/paths (this is useless if the operation is destructive).
There should be some more parameters in the future. Also, some of these parameters might be discarded if found out to not be very useful.
this should be a new separate tool with it. With two modes union and substracting
suggested names for tool:
live booleans
canvas booleans
Boolean tool
shaper tool
combiner tool
feel free to suggest betterones
Intersect mode while holding (ctrl+alt)
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Request: Omitting the rationale functioning of this tool (which has nothing in common with the AI's one), could you point out how it differs from the AI Tool "Shape Builder" in practice?
Hmmm... I really like the idea. Adding Fracture and Flatten to the list of the boolean operations, then having a tool that is called "Live Boolean" that provides the ability to perform all of the boolean operations.
The cursor will have two modes: a normal cursor as the select tool, and a swiping mode.
Any operation that can work on multiple shapes will have the ability to be performed while swiping. In other words, there will be multiple options after swiping for what should happen:
just select
any other operation that can be done on multiple shapes (like divide)
There will be a button in the toolbar for each boolean operation.
i also want to know if you can add custom patterns to indicate the union/delete operation (as a visual helper instead of the cheeseboard pattern that is usually associated with transparency):
my proposal for modes, order and shortcut (hold to toggle) for live boolean operations:
1. union(adding) -
ctrl (or none coz it is the first mode)
2. substracting (substracting)
3. intersecting (keep only selected)
this mode is not implemented so if it out of scope just dont use it
4. selecting
This tool is mainly for boolean operations so that should be the default state of the tool. selecting with this tool is just qulity of the life feature thats why its last also we use shift as shorcut to add sothing to selection so its good idea to us it for selecting
I don't think this need I design it's self explained.
If you check the design I did earlier about the custom pattern I already had this improvement in mind but forgot to mention it.
Thanks for the suggestion! All of the icons right now are temporary. @adam.belis will design the needed icons once the feature is ready to be merged. Anyways, changing icons is just a matter of replacing the icon files and for most of them, it doesn't require changing anything in the code. With that being said, I think the designs of the cursors were final, so probably might ask adam to include the cursors to the icons that will be provided at the end.
@alezzacreative Done. Just need to decide the colors. There is one more extra mode that you didn't count for: the selection mode. I believe we should keep the red for selection? just to have it the same as the selection tool. What do you think?
If you like some set of colors, give me their RGB hex value and I'll put them and commit
Red (#EA0419) for union and blue (#2342C2) for subtraction (cuz we can easily associate it with it think the two opposite sides of a magnet or the plus and minus of an electric circuit).
Purple (#8C35AA) for intersect (becouse purple is leterally an intersection between red and blue that give this color so it more suitable).
for selection I think a bright green (#0DAC26) is more suitable cuz it's a safe color (doesn't do destructive operations) I suggest if it's not much work - if you agree with this- to make a merge_request to change the red in the selection tool to this green too to match this.
For me they seem ok... Maybe a little fix in the values could help in some situations, however, @osamaahmad, Is it possible to add a 1 PX border of ants to the indicator?
I know that we don't really need this and all those specifications are aesthetical, so if you (@osamaahmad) could point out what's missing to get this merged similar to #23 it would be great. Don't distract.
well of ors they work for black and white but they will not for red, purple and blue
also this color would be not consistent with rest of selecting (we use red for touch to elect)
I wanted to show how an android app with a similar builder tool to the one in AI represent the preview of the result while swiping.
It display the edges of the result area and the edge grow along the swipe.