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  • Jeremy Stashewsky's avatar
    Limit XInclude processing to shortcut keys files. · 5b7e5409
    Jeremy Stashewsky authored
    This patch fixes a security vulnerability when using the batch or
    command-line processing features of Inkscape. The flaw allows an author
    of a malicious SVG file to trivially specify the href of a local or
    remote file to bring in as a `<text>` body or other element. The exact impact
    to security will depend a lot on the context in which inkscape is being
    run, but in the worst-case scenario this can lead to leaking of private
    information, credentials, etc. Formally, this is a Local File Inclusion
    (LFI) and Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability vector.
    XInclude processing is retained for shortcut "keys" files _only_, which
    seems to have been the original intent behind the commit that introduced
    the vulnerability: