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Draft: [Corners LPE] Cherrypick

Jabier Arraiza requested to merge jabiertxof/inkscape:fixInkscape4736 into 1.4.x

Backport of my 7 corners mr.

waiting code LAND in GTK4 master.

Legend MR Merge Order
Ignore segment of 2 !6231 -
Recalculate corners on changes !6251 -
Alert changes !6252 (merged) 0 (2023-03-23)
Knot fixes !6253 -
Retain on joins !6254 -
Stroring improvements !6255 -
Fix corners joins on separate items !6256 -

Fix issue joining 2 segments when corners LPE. Is not full fixed because one of them lose its fillets. Anyway also fixes:

  • Issue updating corners after combine.
  • Fix a issue knots are not updated postion on undo.
  • Fixes retain corners on joins

Fixes (some of them maybe is fixed on master already):

inbox#10100 (improve)

Edited by Jabier Arraiza

Merge request reports