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Replace royalist imagery by peaceful one

Adrien Plazas requested to merge Kekun/inkscape:symbols-icon-change into master

This replaces the coat of arms with a fleur-de-lys used as the icon for the symbols tab by the peace symbol. This imagery is used as far as I know in two ways, in Quebec as a nationalist imagery, and in France as the very-far-right symbol of the royalists, used by several dangerous organizations like Action Française. I think none of these ideologies should be represented, so I replaced it with a globaly positively regarded one.

I spend lots of time removing stickers and posters with the symbol covering the walls of my city, I didn't expect I'd have to remove it from a software I use very regularly. ⭩⭩⭩

Before and after: Capture_d_écran_du_2022-11-16_23-49-43 Capture_d_écran_du_2022-11-16_23-48-49

Merge request reports