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Assorted rendering tweaks

PBS requested to merge pbs3141/inkscape:rendering-assorted-tweaks into master

This is a relatively boring but necessary MR consisting of all the changes I need to get out of my system before I can continue with something more interesting (multithreading).


  • Add TextureCache - shaves off a fraction of a millisecond per tile that was being wasted due to driver overhead, spotted by @martok in inbox#6363 (comment 967963363).
  • Use glInvalidate where appropriate - a micro-optimization.
  • Fix outline overlay opacity backwardsness - the setting was interpreted backwards due to only ever testing at 0.5...


  • Rework block updates - give !4625 (merged) a preference, and tweak how it works to have less redraw trails and redrawing of unchanged content, as well as making it compatible with future tile parallelisation.
  • Fix min bounding box screwup (my fault) - fix the algorithm to actually calculate the min bounding box, not the max. The visual effect is lower fragmenting at the edges on zooming out.


  • Refactoring of Drawing and DrawingItem, preference observing for Drawing, react to preference updates correctly.
  • Changes to how render flags, pick flags, antialiasing setting and outline colour are manipulated to avoid having them being constantly changed while rendering (MT roadblock).
  • Eliminate too-small bboxes and missing bbox updates.

Bugs fixed:

Edited by PBS

Merge request reports