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Update windows installer images for 1.2.1

Nathan Lee requested to merge nathanal/inkscape:1.2.1_nsis_images into 1.2.x

Exported to png at 96 dpi with phys dpi at 384, converted to bmp with imagemagick (convert in.png BMP3:out.png) because it looked better than exporting at 384 dpi and resizing with imagemagick.

#3513 (closed)

I didn't experiment with different settings for resizing. I'm not sure if the pys dpi value is important, but I tried to keep the file as similar to the previous bmps.

Please look at the diffs on GitLab to compare the differences.

/cc @adam.belis do you recommend any changes/wholesale replacements? Just want to get this in for a hotfix if we're having one. Files replaced by @mkov's version

installer main banner
exe welcomefinish image
msi msi image

Note: I couldn't find a satisfying balance with the logo, rock, and robot. The svg I linked in the issue has the logo smaller, but the text is too small. I enlarged it, but this seems to create a imbalance with these 3 objects. I suppose we could try moving the robot around or shrinking it but I think this is good enough.

Maybe TODO: if we're happy with these images, I can try to fix the gradient in the exe banner (make it whiten quicker), and nudge INKSCAPE 1.2.1 a bit to the left (current appearance should just geometric not visual center), and maybe move the robot a bit. Not worth it if we're completely redoing the installer though. Replaced by @mkov's versions. Here are the originals image image. Note, while editing the screenshots, it appears that the left-most 2 pixels are cut off in both msi and exe installers despite being the recommended size.

P.S Above screenshots are from rebuilding the installers. However if we're doing further edits, I'm just going to edit the screenshots and paste the bitmaps in 😜

Edited by Nathan Lee

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