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Canvas flicker workaround

PBS requested to merge pbs3141/inkscape:flicker-workaround into 1.2.x

This is a fix for the flickering on zoom-out that was introduced in !3838 (merged). Although this was addressed in !4133 (merged), a separate fix is also required for the 1.2 release, hence why this MR exists.

The change is simply to change what is rendered into the exposed region, defined as the region of the screen that is not covered by any drawn content, saved or otherwise. Previously it was filled with desk colour. Now it is filled with a static copy of saved content.

I've tested this fairly carefully with various devmode switches to make sure it's behaving as expected. I don't expect any performance hit, and strongly recommend including it in the 1.2 release (otherwise I'll be chased off the Internet with torches and pitchforks).

Merge request reports