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Add relative paths on images linked when posibol

Jabier Arraiza requested to merge relativeLinks into master

Whith this branch images are linked as relatiuve paths from current SVG if the SVG is stored to disk.

Attached are a file structure wirth a SVG inside test2 folder and images in each folder to test it

You need to open "drawin.svg" and import inside images (SVG,PNG...) in the folders there is some.

The way to import is link.

This usualy is used to work with external files.

The problem in previous inkscape you only can have relative links from the folder of the SVG that import or on his children folders.

You only can have "myimage.png" and "mychildfolder/myimage.png" in previous implementation.

Trying to explain better, previously you can't create a relative link like ../myimage.png, because this kind of links are converted to absolute one.

Absolute links are dependent from the filesistem of the user, previously you need to edit all images to move/share a proyect.


Edited by Jabier Arraiza

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