Memory growth (then crash on Windows) if grid used and Document properties open
I used to use Inkscape around v0.9x and had no problems with it. I just installed the latest version (v1.1) and was extremely disappointed to find it unusable.
It's both extremely laggy, and crashes every few minutes. It's difficult to give a specific reproduction since it just crashes constantly. Sometimes it hangs. Sometimes it just terminates.
Steps to replicate
- Start Inkscape
- Create a grid (#)
- Open Document Properties
- Create a rectangle and drag it around
What happened?
- Fast memory growth (10MB/second)
- lag (reported in #2107 (closed))
- on Windows, at 700 MB, Inkscape crashes, with this backtrace inkscape_backtrace.txt
- Some investigation: #2585 (comment 611929914)
What should have happened?
- No crash, no memory growth, no lag
Version Info
Inkscape 1.1 (c68e22c3, 2021-05-23) Windows 10
Edited by Nathan Lee