Apparently, the vertical position of guides is still saved with origin = bottom left.
After doubling the size, the XML editor still shows position="x, 0", although the guide is in the center. Double clicking the guide shows the correct y-coordinate (from the top).
Alternative way to replicate:
Create horizontal guide at the bottom of the document
Change page height
Move guide
Undo -> Guide jumps to the new bottom of the document
Replicated in 1.1-dev (6b4d57f5, 2020-04-01), Windows 10, moving.
Good catch!
(Technically, it's a regression, since it worked in 0.92.4.)
I'd like to add that while this behavior is undesirable in my case, it can also be somewhat useful, so I'm wondering: could it be an option, or will it be patched out completely?
Thanks for reporting. I think for now this should be patched out as it doesnt match what would typically be expected.
If you would like to make this a feature, I would like to hear of a potential use case for this.
As an aside there was a preference revolving around this functionality under Edit -> Preferences -> Interface -> Origin at upper left with y-axis pointing down. Toggling it off will give correct behavior.
This property of inverting the y-axis was part of the issue.
I was of the impression that it made the guides be proportionally repositioned, but that wasn't the case, so I guess this doesn't have much of a use at all as far as I can tell.
Otherwise, if it had been as I thought, it could have been useful to scale a drawing up or down after changing the document size while keeping accurate references to snap to, unless there's a better way already that I don't know of
As an aside there was a preference revolving around this functionality under Edit -> Preferences -> Interface -> Origin at upper left with y-axis pointing down. Toggling it off will give correct behavior. This property of inverting the y-axis was part of the issue.
Ah, nice! Tried it now and it works, although there is a mismatch between where the shapes are placed and the guides that were positioned on them, so basically the guides shift with the origin of the document, but the shapes remain untouched, is that right?