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  • PBS's avatar
    Further refactor code touched by SPDocument GC removal · 5089cb2a
    PBS authored and Marc Jeanmougin's avatar Marc Jeanmougin committed
    * Clean up src/extension headers.
    * Merge copypasta'd CDR and VSD import dialogs into RvngImportDialog.
      Ensure RvngImportDialog destroys the document after the viewer.
    * Fix sp_gradient_load_from_svg() to return the cloned object rather
      than the original, like sp_marker_load_from_svg().
    * Convert various cancelled flags to return by std::pair, and change
      error checking to not print messages on user cancellation.
    * Fix crash on PaintServersDialog/SymbolsDialog destruction from missing
    * Fix leaks in SymbolsDialog by splitting SymbolSet into an owning
      variant (SymbolSet) and a non-owning one (SymbolSetView).
    * Replace ea92f8e8 with a sigc::mem_fun-based solution, as the former
      might not work if the Canvas is Gtk::managed (it's not at the moment).
    * Cope with the Canvas being destructed without being unrealised. This
      can now happen in GTK4 if the C++ wrapper is deleted while something
      holds a reference to the C widge...