An error occurred while fetching the assigned iteration of the selected issue.
Crash when "create new document from template" "seamless pattern"
Inkscape crashes.
Steps to reproduce:
- open Inkscape
- File -> New from Template -> scroll down then select Seamless Pattern. Click the button Create from Template. A dialog box opens saying "'Seamless Pattern' working, please wait ..." but just as quickly another dialog box says "Inkscape encountered an internal error and will close now. Close"
What happened?
Inkscake closes / crashes.
What should have happened?
Should not have crashed. I have not used the 'seamless pattern' in previous versions. Please note that a 'seamless pattern' template is not available from the initial Welcome sreen. Is the seamless pattern template still a supported template? Is there a recommended method for not getting little white lines between repeated tiles?
Sample attachments:
No sample is needed to recreate this problem.
Version info
Inkscape 1.2 (dc2aedaf03, 2022-05-15)
GLib version: 2.72.1
GTK version: 3.24.33
glibmm version: 2.66.4
gtkmm version: 3.24.6
libxml2 version: 2.9.14
libxslt version: 1.1.35
Cairo version: 1.17.6
Pango version: 1.50.7
HarfBuzz version: 4.2.1
OS version: Windows 10 21H2