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Draft: Apply engraving fixes

Closes #3

Closes #4

@dantiel added a few small fixes to gcodetools.

I haven't managed to create a unit test because for me, "Engraving" with "draw calculation paths" enabled raises an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5931, in <module>
  File "/home/jonathan/source/inkscape/share/extensions/inkex/", line 147, in run
  File "", line 5882, in effect
  File "", line 4980, in tab_engraving
    node.path = CubicSuperPath([cspm])
  File "/home/jonathan/source/inkscape/share/extensions/inkex/", line 1456, in __init__
  File "/home/jonathan/source/inkscape/share/extensions/inkex/", line 1512, in append
    raise ValueError(f"Unknown super curve list format: {item}")
ValueError: Unknown super curve list format: [[[529.9167, 430.6593], [529.9167, 430.6593], [529.9167, 430.6593], 0, 0, -1, -1], [[559.8325, 572.5397], [559.8325, 572.5397], [559.8325, 572.5397], 0, 0, -1, -1],  

(truncated by me)

I can fix this by changing line 4980 to

node.path = CubicSuperPath([[i[0:3] for i in cspm]])

but someone else familiar with the extension would have to verify that the result is as expected.

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