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  • Yorick Peterse's avatar
    Basic support for late binding of Self · 72e16d4f
    Yorick Peterse authored
    This commit adds basic support for late binding of Self types. When a
    method returns _just_ Self, we now evaluate it into an actual type upon
    use, instead of upon definiing the return type. The use of Self inside a
    generic type, such as Array!(Self), still uses early binding.
    Supporting simple cases of late binding allows us to clean up
    std::range. For example, previously sending `successor` to a `Successor
    + Compare` would produce a `Successor` as the return type. This meant
    having to cast this back to `Successor + Compare` just to use methods
    such as `<=`. With this commit, the compiler will produce the proper
    `Successor + Compare` type, removing the need for manually casting
    With this commit also come some changes to the return types of bodies of
    object, trait, and impl blocks. Previously, the type of these blocks was
    set to the object (e.g. `Person` in `impl Person { ... }`), but this was
    not correct. Instead, the block return type should be inferred based on
    the last expression returned. These changes don't affect any existing
    code, as object/impl/trait themselves return the type of object they
    operate on, not what their _bodies_ return.
    See #107 for some more
    information on binding of Self types.