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  • Yorick Peterse's avatar
    Refactor std::mirror · d3841771
    Yorick Peterse authored
    This is a pretty big refactor of std::mirror to make it entirely
    optional. As part of this std::format has been refactored as well, and
    all implementations of the Inspect trait (now called Format) have been
    moved into std::mirror.
    Formatting objects is now part of std::mirror as that's where it
    belongs, since the output is often based on the internal representation
    of an object. The new API for pretty printing objects is a bit more
    verbose, but not that much:
        import std::mirror
        10.mirror.inspect # => '10'
    All of this means that the only module currently using std::module is
    std::test::assert, which needs std::mirror to produce useful test
    failures. Other code that previously used "inspect" has been refactored
    to no longer depend on it.