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Displaying the View Switch

Florian GESTA requested to merge feat-switch-map-list into develop

Displaying the View Switch

  • Updated style for the ActionMenuComponent so it can be displayed properly on mobile
  • Added the View Switch into ExtraViewLayoutComponent
  • The View Switch uses the DsfrToggleComponent
  • Initiated the ListModule with a skeleton ListViewComponent
  • MapViewComponent and ListViewComponent are now accessed via Routing

Now we're using CdkOverlay for our dropdown menus

  • Added just what we need from Angular CDK to do this
  • The Account Menu is now displayed via CdkConnectedOverlay Directive when on desktop
  • It relies on the previous method to be displayed on mobile
  • The coordinates menu in LocationDetailsComponent is now displayed via CdkConnectedOverlay Directive

Merge request reports