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HTML endpoint for users and bots

German Mas requested to merge feature/resource-html into develop

This PR adds an HTML endpoint that contains metadata tags for a given model. It also redirects to the Fuel App.

Whenever a bot crawls a model URL, an html payload is returned, which contains metadata tags populated with model data. A meta redirect is also added for users that visit that html page.

To manually share a model on social media, users should include an .html extension, otherwise they will navigate into the json result when the link is followed. The Fuel App should include a button to copy that URL to share it easily.

Can you ptal @alejoasd , @nkoenig ?

Examples using Integration on Twitter and Facebook's card validators:

Facebook Twitter
Screenshot_from_2021-09-01_14-24-53 Screenshot_from_2021-09-01_11-09-15

Merge request reports