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Actions: GetJobDataOutValue

Alejo Carballude requested to merge feature/actions_get_job_data_to_value into master

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The actions framework provides a GetJobData function that unmarshals job data. It automatically determines and instances a new value of the correct type before unmarshalling. In order to do this, the actions framework contains a type registry that contains a set of known types to allow it to automatically unmarshal the information it stores into Go values.

This approach works well in some cases, but the disadvantage is that the types must be known at compile time. This is not always possible or practical.


  • A new function GetJobDataOutValue has been introduced that allows retrieving job data without a registry by receiving the value in which to store the unmarshalled data by parameter.
  • The former internal getJobData function has been renamed to getJobDataFromRegistry.

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Edited by Alejo Carballude

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