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Gildas Le Corguillé requested to merge job_conf into preprod

Tools can require several CPU and/or some minimal of memory.

Since we have now more than 400 tools, it planned to be plainful to browse this list of tools.

So I decided to start from the sorting-hat project. Even if we didn't take the time so far to implement this project, we can use their list of tools and their "advices":

I translated using a dirty python script this .yml to a classic job_conf.xml (using a yml config + jinja2 template). I simplified the number of destinations by have some sorts of class with steps.

I also implement the resubmit by adding for each destination, a mem x 1.5.

It have to be tested on the preprodution. The dev doesn't have the necessary tools.

Edited by Gildas Le Corguillé

Merge request reports