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Test members

Baptiste Rousseau requested to merge test_members into dev
  • Add Tests for Members and Add Member viewset (create, update, delete, retrieve).

  • Add Tests for Node Members and Change Node Viewset with the Following Rules:

  • Get Node

    • The current user is not a member of the node.
  • Delete Node

    • The current user is not a member of the node.
    • The role does not allow deletion (Manager, Contributor, Collaborator).
  • Update Node

    • The current user is not a member of the node.
    • The role does not allow updating (Collaborator).
  • Create a Children Node

    • The current user is not a member of the node.
    • The role does not allow creating a children node (Collaborator).
    • Test if the owners of the parent node are automatically added.
  • Create a Node

    • Test if a member object is created correctly with the owner status.
  • Add drf spectacular errors in Member viewset and Node viewset, concerning the members role

  • Add search filter on serializer Member to filter in all users by their first name and last name

  • Use package “django queries” to update members in node children in the class NodeMember (Model Django)

    Some corrections are still needed :

  • Merge Dev into Tests_Members:

    Merge the changes from the 'dev' branch into the 'tests_members' branch.

  • Agree on Token Usage for GET /role:

    Discuss and reach a consensus on whether to use a token for the GET request on the '/role' endpoint.

  • Correct Failures in Test Cases:

    Revise the format and content of the expected error messages in the test cases for 'tools', 'role', 'node', 'node_type', 'members', and 'datalinks'. Ensure that the failures are resolved.

  • Address Errors in Member, Role, and Tools Tests:

    Address and fix the errors encountered during the tests for members (setup class), roles, and tools. It's possible that the merge from 'dev' into 'tests_members' may have resolved some of these issues.

Edited by laurent bouri

Merge request reports