An add-on for Mozilla Thunderbird which enables the use of Markdown in task descriptions and renders them as HTML in the TaskView.
Header, enumerations, text styling as well as links to webpages, mail adresses and even entire mails (requires Thunderlink) are supported.
Notes for developers
This add-on still uses the legacy bootstrap API using the BootstrapLoader. It will be eventually necessary to update the code to the new MailExtension APIs once UI manipulation and Lightning Tasks APIs exist (see and for some first drafts).
For some reason, TB behaves differently when loading an add-on temporarily or from an xpi file.
Be sure to double check the addon is working using the xpi file before publishing!
Also TB seems to cache old versions of files (at least of the bootstrap.js
file) even after restart.
Therefore we need to change the name of the file before each release.
The only other workaround I could find is to start TB with the -purgecaches
The source code is loosely inspired by the outdated AdvancedTasks add-on and adapted to be usable in Thunderbird 68+. It uses marked under the hood to render markdown content.
Feel free to report any problems or suggest features in the issue tracker or collaborate on making this add-on future-proof by converting the legacy bootstrap code to the new MailExtension or WebExtensions Experiments API (see #1).
The addon is licenced under the terms of Mozilla Public Licence 2.0.