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chore(deps): update python devdependencies - non-major

HydroQC Tests requested to merge renovate-python-devdeps-nonmajor into main

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Update Change
lxml (source, changelog) patch ==5.2.1 -> ==5.2.2
pylint (changelog) minor ==3.1.0 -> ==3.2.2
pyright patch ==1.1.362 -> ==1.1.363
pytest (changelog) patch ==8.2.0 -> ==8.2.1
pytest-asyncio (changelog) patch ==0.23.6 -> ==0.23.7

Release Notes

lxml/lxml (lxml)


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Bugs fixed

  • GH#417: The test_feed_parser test could fail if lxml_html_clean was not installed. It is now skipped in that case.

  • LP#2059910: The minimum CPU architecture for the Linux x86 binary wheels was set back to "core2", without SSE 4.2.

  • If libxml2 uses iconv, the compile time version is available as etree.ICONV_COMPILED_VERSION.

pylint-dev/pylint (pylint)


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What's new in Pylint 3.2.2?

Release date: 2024-05-20

False Positives Fixed

  • Fix multiple false positives for generic class syntax added in Python 3.12 (PEP 695).

    Closes #​9406

  • Exclude context manager without cleanup from contextmanager-generator-missing-cleanup checks.

    Closes #​9625


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What's new in Pylint 3.2.1?

Release date: 2024-05-18

False Positives Fixed

  • Exclude if/else branches containing terminating functions (e.g. sys.exit()) from possibly-used-before-assignment checks.

    Closes #​9627

  • Don't emit typevar-name-incorrect-variance warnings for PEP 695 style TypeVars. The variance is inferred automatically by the type checker. Adding _co or _contra suffix can help to reason about TypeVar.

    Refs #​9638

  • Fix a false positive for possibly-used-before-assignment when using typing.assert_never() (3.11+) to indicate exhaustiveness.

    Closes #​9643

Other Bug Fixes

  • Fix a false negative for --ignore-patterns when the directory to be linted is specified using a dot(.) and all files are ignored instead of only the files whose name begin with a dot.

    Closes #​9273

  • Restore "errors / warnings by module" section to report output (with -ry).

    Closes #​9145

  • trailing-comma-tuple should now be correctly emitted when it was disabled globally but enabled via local message control, after removal of an over-optimisation.

    Refs #​9608

  • Add --prefer-stubs=yes option to opt-in to the astroid 3.2 feature that prefers .pyi stubs over same-named .py files. This has the potential to reduce no-member errors but at the cost of more errors such as not-an-iterable from function bodies appearing as ....

    Defaults to no.

    Closes #​9626 Closes #​9623

Internal Changes

  • Update astroid version to 3.2.1. This solves some reports of RecursionError and also makes the prefer .pyi stubs feature in astroid 3.2.0 opt-in with the aforementioned --prefer-stubs=y option.

    Refs #​9139


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What's new in Pylint 3.2.0?

Release date: 2024-05-14

Of note: a github reporter, two new checks (possibly-used-before-assignment and contextmanager-generator-missing-cleanup), performance improvements, and an astroid upgrade providing support for @overload and .pyi stubs.

New Features

  • Understand six.PY2 and six.PY3 for conditional imports.

    Closes #​3501

  • A new github reporter has been added. This reporter returns the output of pylint in a format that Github can use to automatically annotate code. Use it with pylint --output-format=github on your Github Workflows.

    Closes #​9443.

New Checks

  • Add check possibly-used-before-assignment when relying on names after an if/else switch when one branch failed to define the name, raise, or return.

    Closes #​1727

  • Checks for generators that use contextmanagers that don't handle cleanup properly. Is meant to raise visibilty on the case that a generator is not fully exhausted and the contextmanager is not cleaned up properly. A contextmanager must yield a non-constant value and not handle cleanup for GeneratorExit. The using generator must attempt to use the yielded context value with x() as y and not just with x().

    Closes #​2832

False Negatives Fixed

  • If and Try nodes are now checked for useless return statements as well.

    Closes #​9449.

  • Fix false negative for property-with-parameters in the case of parameters which are positional-only, keyword-only, variadic positional or variadic keyword.

    Closes #​9584

False Positives Fixed

  • pylint now understands the @overload decorator return values better.

    Closes #​4696 Refs #​9606

Performance Improvements

  • Ignored modules are now not checked at all, instead of being checked and then ignored. This should speed up the analysis of large codebases which have ignored modules.

    Closes #​9442

  • ImportChecker's logic has been modified to avoid context files when possible. This makes it possible to cache module searches on astroid and reduce execution times.

    Refs #​9310.

  • An internal check for trailing-comma-tuple being enabled for a file or not is now done once per file instead of once for each token.

    Refs #​9608.


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What's new in Pylint 3.1.1?

Release date: 2024-05-13

False Positives Fixed

  • Treat attrs.define and attrs.frozen as dataclass decorators in too-few-public-methods check.

    Closes #​9345

  • Fix a false positive with singledispatchmethod-function when a method is decorated with both functools.singledispatchmethod and staticmethod.

    Closes #​9531

  • Fix a false positive for consider-using-dict-items when iterating using keys() and then deleting an item using the key as a lookup.

    Closes #​9554

RobertCraigie/pyright-python (pyright)


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pytest-dev/pytest (pytest)


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pytest 8.2.1 (2024-05-19)


  • #​12334: Support for Python 3.13 (beta1 at the time of writing).

Bug Fixes

  • #​12120: Fix [PermissionError]{.title-ref} crashes arising from directories which are not selected on the command-line.
  • #​12191: Keyboard interrupts and system exits are now properly handled during the test collection.
  • #​12300: Fixed handling of 'Function not implemented' error under squashfuse_ll, which is a different way to say that the mountpoint is read-only.
  • #​12308: Fix a regression in pytest 8.2.0 where the permissions of automatically-created .pytest_cache directories became rwx------ instead of the expected rwxr-xr-x.

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #​12333: pytest releases are now attested using the recent Artifact Attestation support from GitHub, allowing users to verify the provenance of pytest's sdist and wheel artifacts.
pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio (pytest-asyncio)

v0.23.7: pytest-asyncio 0.23.7

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0.23.7 (2024-05-19)

  • Silence deprecation warnings about unclosed event loops that occurred with certain CPython patch releases #​817

Known issues

As of v0.23, pytest-asyncio attaches an asyncio event loop to each item of the test suite (i.e. session, packages, modules, classes, functions) and allows tests to be run in those loops when marked accordingly. Pytest-asyncio currently assumes that async fixture scope is correlated with the new event loop scope. This prevents fixtures from being evaluated independently from the event loop scope and breaks some existing test suites (see #​706). For example, a test suite may require all fixtures and tests to run in the same event loop, but have async fixtures that are set up and torn down for each module. If you're affected by this issue, please continue using the v0.21 release, until it is resolved.


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Edited by HydroQC Tests

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