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  • 0.8.4
    7100e190 · Set version 0.8.4 ·
    Release: 0.8.4
    Fixed broken compatibility with some versions of backend libraries.
  • 0.8.3
    2088972d · Set version 0.8.3 ·
    Release: 0.8.3
    Fixes Menu draw glitch, rounded rectangle primit., SFML 1.x blit (part.)
  • 0.8.2
    9b738699 · Fixed include ·
    Release: 0.8.2
    Fixed sound pitch in SDL adapters, digits primitive, other changes/fixes
  • 0.8.1 Release: 0.8.1
    Added drawable text classes, image pixel access and some changes/fixes.
    - New DrawableText and CachedDrawableText classes.
    - Added Image::getPixel(), Image::getPixels(), Image::setPixel() and
    Image::setPixels() methods.
    - Added Graphics::drawThickLine() function.
    - Changed signature of MouseListener::onMouseMoved()
    - Force disabling key repeat in all adapters.
    - Some refactoring and fixes.
  • 0.8.0 Release: 0.8.0
    Renamed folders, improv. in Font, Sprite and gui.hpp classes and more.
  • 0.7.5
    94c8aa58 · Minor change. ·
    Release: 0.7.5
    New Button class, useful methods, features, fixes & refactoring.
  • 0.7.4 Release: 0.7.4
    New gui.hpp header, new useful methods, fixes and refactoring.
  • 0.7.3
    cdf44344 · Set version a 0.7.3 ·
    Release: 0.7.3
    New Display::Mode struct, a few new methods, and fixes.
    - Changed Display::Resolution to Display::Mode, with other signatures
    - Added Display::setMouseCursorVisible() method
    - Added some auxiliary methods to fgeal::Rectangle
    - Fixed transparency of newly created Image objects with SDL 2.0 adapter
    - Fixed "shaking" when drawing using drawScaledRegion() with SDL 1.2
    - Fixed backbuffer not being resized at display resize with Allegro 4
    - Some refactoring
  • 0.7.2
    5abcdc09 · Set version as 0.7.2 ·
    Release: 0.7.2
    Draw target mechanism, new primitives, new graphics.hpp and al4 joy. ev.
    - Added fgeal custom implementation of joystick events for the Allegro 4
    - Allegro 4: fail silently if could not create temporary bitmap.
    - Added new graphics.hpp header, where the primitive drawing functions
    are placed.
    - Added Graphics::setDrawTarget() methods which set the current drawing
    target for all Image class drawing and primitive drawing. It is a more
    sophisticated way of blitting Image's.
    - Clearing all newly created Image's through Image(int w, int h)
    - Changed SDL 1.2 adapter smoothing flags. Now there are 2 different
    - Fixed some ill examples of throwing AdapterException
    - Using ALLEGTTF_REALSMOOTH flag for small fonts in the Allegro 4
    - Add Graphics::drawPolygon and Graphics::drawFilledPolygon functions,
    with many different signatures.
    - Add Graphics::drawArc, Graphics::drawCircleSector,
    Graphics::drawFilledCircleSector functions.
    - Add Graphics::drawRoundedRectangle and
    Graphics::drawFilledRoundedRectangle functions, with many different
    - Include cmath in geometry.hpp with use math defines macros and
    - Some adapters: changed array usage with vector. Avoid copy-assignment.
    - Other small fixes.
  • 0.7.0
    91cb99e6 · Set version as 0.7. ·
    Release: 0.7.0
    - Added an all-new, experimental Allegro 4.4 adapter (also tested to
    work with 4.2). Currently, it was tested only on linux.
    - Added an InputManager class, that notifies registered listeners about
    input events, inspired by Slick2D's Input class.
    - Game / Game::State classes now subclasses InputManager::InputListener.
    - Created a named color enum. Moved some static colors to it. Added X11
    - Added a --pre-1.6 option to SFML 1.6 adapter's script.
    - Fixed Sound::isPlaying() and Sound::isPaused() behavior on SDL
    - Fixed parameters for blit() delegate method.
    - Fixed wrong library linker flag for SFML 2.0 MinGW build config.
    - Fixed missing delete for dummy state.
    - Passing FlipMode by value instead of passing by reference.
    - Moved code from Sound/SoundStream/Music::halt() to agnostic.cpp.
    - Use al_load_font instead of al_load_ttf_font on Allegro 5 adapter
    - Made all classes that have implementation structs friends with their
    respectives implementations structs, for correctness' sake, since before
    C++11, inner class are not friends with their enclosing classes.
    - Added static Event::implementation& getEventImplementation(Event&),
    for internal usage only. This was needed for consistency of Allegro 4
    adapter's implementation.
  • 0.6.7
    ff5e7873 · Set version as 0.6.7 ·
    Improved a few features in Menu and Image classes.
    - New methods to handle Menu class fonts and colors.
    - Refactored Image::blit() and Image::getCopy() methods and updated
    their signatures.
    - Fixed angle signal in SFML2.0 adapter's drawScaledRotatedRegion().
  • 0.6.6
    New classes: SoundStream and Display::Resolution. A few improvements.
    - Created SoundStream class to play sound streams which loads data from
    file on demand instead of buffering it all on the memory.
    - Added Display::Resolution utility class with data regarding common
    display resolutions.
    - Added Sprite copy constructor with option to choose whether to manage
    sheet or not. Now its possible to copy a Sprite while choosing to
    enable/disable the sheet deletion flag of the copied one. This allow
    shallow copies of sprite.
    - Refactored both SFML adapters to exchange pointer usages with direct
    instance usages, reducing indirection. SFML don't need an global init
    function and, thus, don't require pointer usage when dealing with its
    - Fixed Allegro 5.0 adapter's Sound::set/getPlaybackSpeed when
    - Removed leftover references to the old Icon class.
    - Adding note regarding adapter-dependent behavior on Sound class.
  • 0.6.5
    7f411feb · Set version as 0.6.5 ·
    Added joystick support. Added mouse wheel support. Fixes.
    - Added joystick support.
    - Added mouse wheel support.
    - Fixed Font::getHeight() on the SFML 1.5/1.6 adapter.
    - Added Event::getEventMousePosition()
    - Replaced checkInit calls with a macro.
  • 0.6.4
    77c96f70 · Set version as 0.6.4 ·
    New display creation signatures. Fullscreen support. Removed icon class.
    - Added new Display::Options struct that wraps together display creation
    parameters. New Display::create() with an Options object as argument.
    - Added support for specifying fullscreen mode, through the fullscreen
    - Removed Icon class. Now Display::setIcon expects a string with a image
    filename. The Icon class was not necessary given its limited
    capabilities and the previous Display::setIcon leaked when exchanging
    icon instances.
    - Removed resizeable flag argument from Display::create() (non-Options
    version). Now it can only be specified by the Options argument's version
    of Display::create().
    - Window position can be specified by Display::Options, including
    centered window.
    - Display::setIcon is marked as unimplemented in the SDL 1.2 adapter as
    the previous implementation simply didn't worked, given SDL 1.2
    limitations. Setting an icon is still possible when creating the display
    for the first time.
  • 0.6.3
    678af5b0 · Updated notes. ·
    Refactored primitive functions, sound pitch and improved menu class.
    - Primitive functions now have separate filled and outline versions.
    Order of parameters also changed.
    - Added optional hint argument to Sound::setPlaybackSpeed to hint the
    code to not optimize playback and allow sound pitch change during
    - Added Menu::at() and Menu::getEntryCount().
  • 0.6.2
    Added a few display options, improvements in Menu class and other fixes.
    - Added Display::setSize method to dynamically resize the display.
    - Added a 'resizeable' argument in the display constructor, to control
    whether the display will allow the user to resize it.
    - Made the display instance available from the game instance, which now
    is the recommended way to access the display object.
    - Renamed Font::getFontHeight to Font::getHeight.
    - Now the Menu class can be vertically scrolled. Its cursor can also be
    wrapped around as well.
    - Fixed Menu class entries' text incorrectly exceeding menu width. Also
    fixed an incorrect internal behavior.
    - Fixed Image::drawEllipse incorrect radii behavior on the SFML 1.6
    adapter. (Finally!)
  • 0.6.1
    Minor fixes and a new function to parse colors from C strings.
    - Added Color::parseCStr() function to parse colors from C strings.
    - Removed unnecessary checks in sprite class drawing method.
    - Fixed incorrect usage of strtof instead of strtod, which caused
    compilation errors on MSVC2010.
  • 0.6.0 Release: 0.6.0
    Refactored a lot of things and done minor fixes.
    - Add MSVC project files.
    - New revamped Vector2D struct and new geometry.hpp header.
    - New filesystem.hpp with all filesystem helper functions.
    - New timing.hpp header with timing related functions.
    - Version macros are now in version.h
    - Renamed Display::existInstance to Display::wasCreated
    - Display::create now returns a reference.
    - Changed some Display parameters and return types to unsigned.
    - Disabled singleton classes' copy constructor and value-assignment
    - Moved checkInit to core class. Added optional macro to make it empty.
    - Display::getInstance no longer creates and instance. Use
    Display::create beforehand.
    - Moved initialization and deinitialization macros to fgeal.hpp.
    - Keyboard::Key and Mouse::Button are now simple enums instead of
    - Made Event::Type a simple enum instead of a wrapper struct.
    - Fixed Image::drawCircle() from SFML 2.x adapter.
    - Partial fix for SFML 2.x adapter font height estimation.
    - Fixed SFML 1.x adapter font height estimation.
    - Renamed some SFML 1.6 compatibility macros.
    - Replaced WINSDK_INCLUDE_PATH & WINSDK_LIB_PATH build variables with a
    single one: WindowsSdkDir.
  • 0.5.6 Release: 0.5.6
    Color class now has alpha. New filesys method. Improved extras. Fix BCs.
    - Added alpha component to Color class. Now primitives can draw with
    some translucency.
    - Added static methods to convert Colors from/to hex triplets and float
    - Fixed isFilenameDirectory/Archive() when passing a non-existant
    filename (they now return false instead of throwing an exception).
    - Added fgeal::setWorkingDirectory() function.
    - Reworked Menu class color scheme to be more customizable. Also
    improved behavior when drawing borders and when drawing entries that are
    longer than the menu's width.
    - Improvements to the Sprite class.
    - Fixes to some eclipse build configurations. Also added some new.
    - Some minor fixes.
  • 0.5.5
    77906047 · Updated version to 0.5.5. ·
    Release: 0.5.5
    Added more audio, font and FS methods. Some improvements and fixes.
    - Added sound/music volume controlling methods.
    - Added sound playback speed/pitch controlling methods (including a
    cheap SDL implementation as well)
    - Added filesystem functions to check if path is file/directory and
    gather current working directory.
    - Renamed Font::getSize to Font::getFontHeight(). Added method to
    compute text width with a given font.
    - Added Menu class to the extras.
    - Partially fixed music pausing on SDL adapters.
    - Fixed leaks in fgeal::getFilenamesWithinDirectory() on Allegro
    adapter. Added failure check.
    - Fixes to compile on MinGW
    - Moved filesystem utility functions to core_agnostic.cpp. Now
    implementation for these are now adapter-agnostic and is based on
    stat.h, dirent.h and direct.h/unistd.h. Allegro 5.0 adapter's
    implementation using Phyfs addon was commented out. This should remove
    Allegro 5.0 adapter dependency on the Phyfs addon (and all involved
    building around it). Now dirent.h is a dependency for all adapters.
    - Overall improvement of SDL adapter's font and audio code. Cached SDL
    audio specs to improve speed.
    - On SDL 1.2 adapter, added macros to enable IMG_Init/Mix_Init only with
    supported versions.
    - Created experimental MSVC build configurations for eclipse.
    - Overall improvements to eclipse build configurations.
    - Other minor fixes.