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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.0.0 Release: 1.0.0
    Finished 1.0 milestone. Added help dialog.
    - Changed toogle AA keybinding from 's' to 'v'
    - Fixed draw glitch when reopening a dialogs that were moved before their closure.
  • 0.9.10
    Completed all 1.0 milestones, except for the Help dialog.
    - Fullscreen mode is now termed as "hidden toobars" mode.
    - Added CSV format support, with examples.
    - Added keybinding to 'b' key (toogle bounce on collision).
    - Added keybinding to 'c' key (follow center).
    - Added keybinding to 'x' key (stop follow).
    - Added keybinding to 'k' key (toogle hidden toolbars).
    - Added keybinding to 'q' key (quit).
    - Made escape key also quit the program if the toolbars aren't hidden.
    - Implemented add random orbiting bodies in a single direction (unidirectional), with shift-'j' keybinding.
    - Added parameter to specify whether to start with hidden toobars mode.
    - Fixed crash that occurred when the program was under heavy load.
    - Fixed orbit tracing resetting after collision even if previously it hadn't a reference frame set.
    - Fixed single point spawn bug, that occurred on large scales.
    - Fixed file load functions not loading bodies ids (they were generating instead, ignoring file specified ids).
    - Improved scrollbar performace.
    - Improved list update performance a bit.
    - Fixed draw glitch when reopening a file dialog that was moved before its closure.
    - Fixed visual glitch in scrollable pane's gap amid scrollbars (when both are active)
    - Fixed mistake in the code with collapse tabs and hidden toolbars mode.
    - Minor visual improvements on widgets positions.
    - Debug MSVC build (however, gdb debugging it is not possible).
    - Created an MSVC (VC10) project as an alternative way to compile the code on win32.
    - Other minor fixes.
    - Refactoring
  • 0.9.9
    86969746 · Updated CHANGES.txt ·
    Fixed some bugs. Some refactoring.
    - Fixed makefile.
    - Fixed shaking bodies when using reference frames with too many bodies or too variable barycenter.
    - Fixed crash in MSVC build when adding bodies with orbit trace on.
    - Fixed shift-selection not working on bodies list when selecting last index.
    - Resetting orbit trace history when changing reference frame.
    - Adjusting reference frame when toogling tabs collapse or fullscreen mode.
  • 0.9.8
    f2d1e467 · Updated changes.txt ·
    Now its possible to collapse tabs. Added fullscreen mode.
    - Fullscreen mode is enabled through button and disabled pressing escape.
    - A bit of refactoring was done.
  • 0.9.7
    75b411a6 · Updated notes. ·
    Release: 0.9.7
    Added cmd args parsing. Fixes and improvements.
    - Added parameter to load files from command line
    - Added parameter to specify window size from command line
    - Added new themes. Default theme is chosen to try to match OS's.
    - Mapped key "equal" to zoom-in as well.
    - Fixed crash when pressing icon toogle buttons (trace orbit and AA buttons)
    - Fixed crash when creating a new universe or loading one.
    - Fixed error on file extensions shown in FileDialog.
    - Fixed glitch when changing directory in the save dialog.
    - A lot of refactoring
  • 0.9.6
    Implemented simple theme system, with a few built-in themes.
    - Simple theme system - changes colors, basically.
    - Updated some icons.
    - Don't crash if icons are absent.
    - Fixed makefile.
    - Refactoring.
  • 0.9.5
    Implemented buttons with icons.
    Fixed minor memory leak.
  • 0.9.4
    19eca07d · Added 2 examples. ·
    Implemented undo/rewind functionality.
  • 0.9.3
    Mostly bug fixing release. Fix a LOT of memory issues.
    - Added universe file examples.
    - Random orbiting bodies now also create clockwise-orbiting bodies.
    - Fixed crash when clicking on a empty ListWin.
    - Fixed nasty memory leak within the graphics code.
    - Fixed memory leak when switching universes.
    - Fixed glitch were the version location didn't change after resize.
    - Fixed bug where reading universe from files: first body read was not being created.
    - Fixed deselecting the last body entry, if it was selected, when clicking outside the entries.
    - Fixed some compilation problems with MinGW
    - Fixed many other memory leaks.
  • 0.9.2
    Few changes and bug fixing.
    - Subtle decorative arrow when selecting new body velocity vector (mimicking planets' ones)
    - Using 2px minimum body radius when rendering.
    - Made Pause state more prominent with a border and a "PAUSED" caption.
    - Fixed crash when using RK methods after version 0.9.1
    - Fixed crash when exchanging solver in some circunstances.
    - Fixed Spinner bounds logic.
    - Other minor fixes and changes.
  • 0.9.1
    Updated some libraries and revised makefiles.
    - Updated makefile and script. Now it should work properly.
    - Added a eclipse build config. for MSVC builds.
    - Updated libraries used internally.
    - A lot of refactoring.
  • 0.9.0 Release: 0.9.0
    Big time refactoring. Updated makefile.
  • 0.8.12
    e5aeaaea · Bumped version. ·
    - Added 'Clr' ("Clear") button to remove all bodies (with keybindings to 'e' key). This is different than creating a new universe, as clearing keeps current parameters (gravity, g.exp., etc);
    - Saving/loading G.Exp from universe files;
    - Added spacebar keybinding to follow all bodies (change the reference frame to the center of mass of the universe);
    - Added checkbox to enable/disable computation about the system's energy info (as it could affect performace);
    - Fixed a few memory leaks.
    - Refactoring;
  • 0.8.11
    d24e8547 · Bumped version ·
    - Specify gravity force exponent (G. Exp.) functionality.
    - Added option to highlight bodies within their Roche limit in relation to the current orbital reference.
    - Fixed adding random orbiting body when the program was not set to follow bodies (ref. frames)
  • 0.8.10
    d0e0b9f7 · Bumped version. ·
    - Added experimental bouncing collisions mode.
    - Reorganized options tab.
  • 0.8.9
    ed90546c · Updated notes. ·
    - Add random orbiting body functionality ('AdO' button or 'j' key)
    - Fixed creating random bodies when using a (fast) moving reference frame.
    - Introduced minor stochastic variations to newly created bodies characteristics (diameter, mass, speed).
    - Refactoring
  • 0.8.8
    5b77b7a3 · Bumped version. ·
    Showing computed system energy on the bottom toolbar.
  • 0.8.7
    - Added Adams-Bashforth-Moulton solvers (2-5th order).
    - RK3 v2 solver now is listed as Heun's RK3.
    - Fixed Ralston's RK4 solver.
    - Fixed Stormer-Verlet solver behavior when changing timestep
    - Rearranged widgets on the "Options" tab.
  • 0.8.6
    08b91d77 · Updated notes. ·
    - Added Adams-Bashforth solvers (2 to 5-steps).
    - Preserve timestep when changing solvers.
    - Fixed bug in parameters after changing universe (loading, clearing).
    and possible memory leak.
    - Fixed visual glitch after using the file dialog.
    - Other minor changes.
    - Refactoring.
  • 0.8.5
    - Added Beeman's method solver.
    - Added Backward Difference Correction method solver.
    - Fixed Midpoint solver.
    - Preserve solver type after loading universes.
    - Removed implicit midpoint solver (it actually was a leapfrog solver)
    - RK3 v1 now is listed as Kutta's RK3