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  • David Sveningsson's avatar
    chore(release): 5.0.0 · a6438ff9
    David Sveningsson authored and HTML-validate's avatar HTML-validate committed
    ## [5.0.0](v4.14.0...v5.0.0) (2021-06-27)
    * the library is now shipped as a hybrid CJS/ESM package. If you
    are simply consuming the CLI tool or one of the existing integrations this will
    not affect you.
    For plugin developers and if you consume the API in any way the biggest change
    is that the distributed source is now bundled and you can no longer access
    individual files.
    Typically something like:
    -import foo from "html-validate/dist/foo";
    +import { foo } from "html-validate"
    Feel free to open an issue if some symbol you need isn't exported.
    If your usage includes checking presence of rules use the `ruleExists` helper:
    -try {
    -  require("html-validate/dist/rules/attr-case");
    -} catch (err) {
    -  /* fallback */
    +import { ruleExists } from "html-validate";
    +if (!ruleExists("attr-case")) {
    +  /* fallback */
    * drop support for NodeJS 10
    ### Features
    * add `compatibilityCheck` helper for plugins ([47585951](47585951))
    * cjs/esm hybrid package ([39c960a1](39c960a1)), closes [#112](#112)
    * drop support for NodeJS 10 ([8f742919](8f742919))
    ### Dependency upgrades
    * **deps:** update dependency ajv to v8 ([cccb73ad](cccb73ad))
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.