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uwsgi compatibility

Hugo Leisink requested to merge VCTLabs:uwsgi-compatibility into master

Created by: SJLC

symptom: on GET requests, uwsgi got stuck waiting for more data from hiawatha

solution: always send empty STDIN record to terminate request, regardles of request type (i.e. for GET as well as POST)

In the fastcgi SPEC ( all the examples show empty FCGI_STDIN records being sent by the web server before the application starts responding with FCGI_STDOUT records.

The simplest such example from appendix B:

A simple request with no data on stdin, and a successful response:

{FCGI_PARAMS,          1, "\013\002SERVER_PORT80\013\016SERVER_ADDR199.170.183.42 ... "}
{FCGI_PARAMS,          1, ""} 
{FCGI_STDIN,           1, ""}    <-------- this is what used to get skipped

    {FCGI_STDOUT,      1, "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n<html>\n<head> ... "}
    {FCGI_STDOUT,      1, ""} 

Hiawatha used to only send a terminating empty FCGI_STDIN record if there were non-empty FCGI_STDIN records to send first, i.e. for a POST request rather than a GET.

The missing FCGI_STDIN on GET requests made uwsgi fastcgi implementation keep waiting for the request to end. Always sending an empty FCGI_STDIN tells uwsgi that the request is done so it can go ahead and process it.

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